The Fruits PM Kisan program is a scheme launched by the Government of Karnataka to promote farmers to grow fruits. The Karnataka government provides several unique offers to farmers who produce fruits in surplus more for the state. In lieu of that government of Karnataka has created an online portal that will allow the fruit cultivators to submit their applications online as well as verify the status online.

Eligibility criteria for fruits PM Kisan

Every farmer with arable land registered in his name is eligible to apply for this program. Farmers in both rural and urban can make use of this scheme. INR 2000 is transferred directly into the bank account of farmers who have an account with the online portal.

Who is not eligible for fruits PM Kisan Yojana?

Farmers in the higher economic status cannot avail the benefits of this scheme, such as institutional landowners and farmers whose family members belonging to the categories given below.

  • The recent or previous holder of a constitutional office.
  • Retired employees or officials or current employees of the state or Indian government.
  • If they are eligible for tax payment in the recent last year
  • Anyone who receives a pension of INR 10000 and more
  • Professionals such as medical practitioners, lawyers, engineers, or Chartered accountants

Documents required for registering in fruits PM Kisan

Make sure to have the documents listed below before you apply online for the fruits PM Kisan scheme

  • Land documents
  • Aadhaar card
  • A complete description of the terrain, such as rough, dry, or wet terrain, etc.
  • Proof of identity documents including PAN number and voter identification card, etc.
  • Proof of address
  • Copies of the cadastre
  • Current passport photo

Once these are ready you can register on the portal by just uploading all documents online.

Fruits PM Kisan farmer online registration

  1. Visit the PM Kisan official website portal
  2. On the home page, select Farmer’s Corner. Then select the new farmer record
  3. Enter the Aadhaar number and verify the Captcha code displayed to continue.
  4. Then fill the form present on the next page by entering all the information including full name, permanent address, mobile phone number, country of permanent residence, income, land details, etc.
  5. Verify and submit the information to finish the process

How to check the status of the beneficiary list in fruits PM Kisan scheme

Once registered, the Government of Karnataka will establish the beneficiaries list which will be published on the website. Farmers can follow the steps below to log in and verify that their names are listed

  • Again visit the official Fruits PM Kisan website.
  • Go to farmer’s registration page and check for the standardized information system for FRUITS beneficiaries on the home page
  • Go to the report and choose the farmer options list
  • View the farmer’s list who will receive FSD.
  • Further select your Village, Hobli, Taluk, and District
  • The search system immediately provides the list so you can verify that your name is displayed

What is the key take away from the Fruits PM Kisan scheme

FPO stands for farmer producer’s organization. The program aims to motivate farmers and their farming initiatives in the state. The program helps farmers who have little or no money to invest in their cultivation. However, make sure you register to receive the listed benefits.

  • Soon you complete the registration you will receive the market for your agricultural products. The government further offers seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, and agricultural tools.
  • All the intermediaries are eliminated who profit from the sales and hence help the farmers make profits directly for their efforts.
  • PM Kisan FPO helps to ensure that Kisano’s rights are not exploited and will offer a reasonable price for all yields.