PM Kisan Samman Nidhi is an Initiative started by the Central Government of India. It helps farmers to get an amount of 6000 rupees per year. This Initiative is First started on 1st December 2018. The central government disburses this total amount in 3 installments every year with an amount of 2,000 installment per year.

PM Kisan Exclusion Categories:

Doctors, Engineers, lawyers, chartered accountants, government employee and tax payer are excluded from getting this benefit.

How to Apply for PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Registration Online

1. In order to register in this program, every farmer should register in the website

2. Go to Farmer Corner

3. New Farmer Registration

4. Enter Aadhaar Card Number and Enter the Image code below

5. You will get Record Not found, Click on Yes for New customers to register

6. Fill the details according to aadhaar card

7. Enter and choose below details State, District, Sub-district, Block, Village, Farmer Name, Gender, Category, Farmer Type, Bank IFSC Code, Bank Name, Account Number, Address

8. Submit for Aadhaar Authentication

7. If the Details are not according to Aadhaar card the Authentication will fail

8. Enter Mobile Number, date of birth, Father/Mother/Husband Name

9. Enter Land Ownership details like Survey No/Khata No, Dag/Khasra No, Area in (Ha)

10. Inorder to Enter the Details if you are from UttarPradesh, you can go and check the details from Upbhulekh government website

11. Select the Self declaration form tick button and click on Save.

Once the registration for PM Kisan Samman Nidhi is completed. Click on the below links If you wanted to check the registration online and Beneficiary status.

PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Registration Status Online
PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Beneficiary Status