There are services offered by for farmers. It is also called Uttar Pradesh Kisan registration/farmer registration.

Benefits of being a registered farmer

  • The state government comes to know that you are a farmer

To benefit the central government or state government schemes to the farmers, the government must know who farmers are and who are not farmers?

If you are a farmer, this can only be proved when your kisan registration is done.

  • Direct benefits to farmers

After becoming a registered farmer, direct benefit transfer is sent to the farmers’ account through through the scheme according to which the amount of benefit is as per the benefit.

  • Priority to farmers in upcoming schemes

For any of the schemes launched by the state or the central government, priority is given to the registered farmer.

  • Application for a grant on crop waste

When crops get are destroyed due to any natural calamity like storm, landslide, drought flood, etc, and then only those farmers who are a registered farmer can apply for the grant.

  • Suggestions and Complaints

Through, farmers are also given the option to lodge suggestions or complaints of any kind over any problem.

  1. There are many more benefits that you get after getting kisan registration official of UP Agriculture

Online farmer registration

If you want to take enjoy the schemes and benefits offered by the government being a farmer, then you must register. To do this, the government has started the website.

Every year, both state and the central government launches many schemes for the farmers, but the benefits of these schemes are not available to the farmers who are not registered farmers i.e. those farmers whose Kisan registration is not done.

The agriculture department primarily works towards sending money to the farmers’ accounts. Also, kisan registrations are done on the DBT Agriculture Department website so that the farmer gets due recognition.

The registration of farmers is done by the Department of Agriculture and the details of these farmers are collected, the details are taken from the farmers along with their personal information and bank account-related information.

Bank information is obtained from the farmers so that the amount transferred to the farmers’ account can be sent directly to their account through Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT).

Just not the kisan registration for Uttar Pradesh farmers is done in the portal, but a lot of services are also provided to those farmers.

Required document for kisan registration

Whenever you want to get your kisan registration, keep the following documents with you.

  • Aadhaar Card
  • Bank account details IFSC code etc
  • Farmer’s personal information and land information

Now follow the steps given below

  1. First, go to the official website of homepage – Look for UP Agriculture Farmer Registration and click on it
  2. As soon as you click on the register – A farmer registration form will open in front of you.
  3. You have to enter all your information in the form
  • Enter the bank account information namely your bank account number and Aadhaar card number along with the IFSC code.
  • Complete all the details you are asked for in the Kisan Registration Form carefully and check it once before submitting it.
  1. Submit the application form final.

Note: – Upon successful completion, you will obtain a registration number under Kisan registration, keep this registration number somewhere safe.

How to check UP agriculture status

After you are done with UP Agriculture registration you can check for any information and get a status update from the portal online.

  • Visit the portal and click on the check the status to know the status of your application.
  • If you want to know the progress in the registration process, then click on the progress of registration to see the information of up agriculture status.
  • Alternatively, track the status of your application using up agriculture status and you need to enter the registration number obtained during registration.

Follow the simple process to stay tuned with the government instructions and thus you can benefit as a farmer.